On 06/14/2013 11:06 AM, Michael Nolin wrote:
> On Fri Jun 14  9:37 , 'Michael ODonnell' <michael.odonn...@comcast.net> sent:
> "I've been curious about Clearwire as a possible solution to mobile
> Internet - anybody have any experience with them? "
> I have a coworker who works remotely from a rent an office in Colorado. Swears
> by the Clearwire service. Cheaper than buying connection services through the
> (Regis office provider)
> On his last trip out to the Burlington office he continued to use his 
> Clearwire
> device for connecting
> the corporate network, I had to admit our local office Wifi Hub had wireless 
> issues..
WRT: Regus. We were in a Regus office for 5 years, and were treated 
very, very well, but their Internet and Internet policies really suck.
We had a shared switch with most of the other clients. The bandwidth was 
barely ok. Then they upgraded, but they limited each client to 2Mbps 
symmetrical. But that was not the worst thing. They also switched from 
AT&T to Level 3. Not only did they cut our effective bandwidth, but 
Level 3 had a lot of latency. Everything we had went through Cincinnati. 
Fortunately, RCN had fibre in our building/floor so we signed a contract 
with RCN. While we were only DOCSIS 2 for a while, the bandwidth was 
usable. Regus actually signed the contract with RCN because they had a 
couple of other clients on RCN. However Regus' accounts payable center 
moved to Manilla, and every once in a while the bill didn't get paid, 
and the office manager had to yell and scream at them. So, getting a 
provider outside of Regus may be a good plan.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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