I am hoping this is a simple solution for one of you, I am getting frustrated.

I run a simple Ubuntu file server.  I have a Samba server running on it to 
serve files on our network.  Our windows machines all play nicely, once people 
log in they can create directories and files as needed and permissioned to 0777 
.  When our only Mac OS user logs in, and tries to make a new directory on the 
Samba server, it creates it with permissions of 0700, and the user is the 
owner, effectively disallowing any other user from using the directory. All of 
my users are in the same group.  In interweb searches I find to add the line 
"extensions = no" under Global in my smb.conf, but this seems to only resolve 
file permissions, not directory permissions.  

Any advice? 

Thanks, Rob

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