At 2014-01-01T11:11:20-0500, <> wrote:

> Hi.
> I pulled down the latest TOR browser, and the Vidalia network 
> configuration interface doesn't come up any more. Yet it says it's 
> working.
> Is this normal? Has the TOR browser bundle changed that much so 
> quickly?
> Curt-

Yes, the 3.5 version removed Vidalia:---

> After more than a year of work, Mike Perry has officially blessed the
> 3.5 release of the Tor Browser Bundle as the new stable release.
> Improving on the previous stable series, it features a deterministic
> build system for distributed trust, a new integrated interface to
> interact with Tor and all the improvements from Tor 0.2.4.
> Users of the previous 2.x series might be a little disoriented by the
> user interface changes. David Fifield, Matt Pagan and others have been
> compiling the most frequent questions heard after the switch. Until the
> integrated browser interface catches up, new Vidalia bundles are now
> available for those who need them. Erinn Clark is ironing out the
> remaining integration issues.

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