I'm on Fairpoint DSL in Milford. My measured down/up speed is about

I remember hearing good things about G4 from this mailing list, but they

    At 12000 feet from the CO, we would normally estimate speeds in the
    5-6Mb. However it looks like your connection goes through FairPoint
    equipment that our connections do not go through. Sorry we couldn't
    help you.

Does anyone have more information about this? Does Milford have two
parallel sets of equipment only one of which G4 can use? Or do they mean
they just don't serve Milford?

I've been on Fairpoint's site to try to glean anything about anything
and there's basically no information there. They don't even say what
speeds or prices their existing products are at, let alone what
potential upgrades there are or anything about equipment. The bill just
says "HSI - Standard" which I assume means "High Speed Internet".

Are there any other options in Milford? Or is this equipment thing
limiting me? There's always cable, but my vague perception is that cable
internet sucks for several reasons. Maybe I'm behind the times.
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