Tom Buskey <> writes: > Does the USB HID simultaneous key limit apply to a MIDI-> usb adapter? > They adapters are pretty cheap nowadays. > > Then you need a your chording keyboard to speak MIDI.
So this is interesting. Evan, the one commissioned to write the program, reported that he could only get *3* simultaneous keys out. I tried my semi-independent program and I can partially confirm this. I can always get 3, but if I choose carefully I can get up to 6. I have to...scatter the keys across the keyboard more evenly? Or choose different rows? I'm not sure what the pattern is yet, although it doesn't matter because: Kyle's scheme needs at least 7 but he'd prefer 10 keys. So maybe MIDI is the way to go. Or PS2, if I can find a keyboard and a hole to plug it into. Oh wait, HIS computer has PS2, so that's OK. And the flea market/freecycle/people at work probably have tons of PS2 keyboards they'd love to give away. Oh ho ho! His computer actually *has* a PS2 keyboard already attached! Imma try it now. ... Huh, that doesn't really work either. I can get up to 6, but I still have to choose carefully (or something). Maybe the Linux keyboard driver is the real problem? Or the keyboard hardware itself? Or maybe just my program, which I will admit is hacked together. I'm attaching it for comment. I based it on something I found online. Compile with gcc -o keychord keychord.c -lncurses and run like sudo ./keychord /dev/input/<where ever you kbd event dealie is>
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <termios.h> #include <signal.h> #include <ncurses.h> void handler (int sig) { printf ("nexiting...(%d)n", sig); exit (0); } void perror_exit (char *error) { perror (error); handler (9); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct input_event ev[64]; int fd, rd, value, size = sizeof (struct input_event), kbdwidth=15, row, col; char name[256] = "Unknown", ch; char *device = NULL; //Setup check if (argv[1] == NULL){ printf("Please specify (on the command line) the path to the dev event interface devicen"); exit (0); } if ((getuid ()) != 0) printf ("You are not root! This may not work...n"); if (argc > 1) device = argv[1]; //Open Device if ((fd = open (device, O_RDONLY)) == -1) printf ("%s is not a vaild device.n", device); //Print Device Name ioctl (fd, EVIOCGNAME (sizeof (name)), name); printf ("Reading From : %s (%s)n", device, name); fflush(stdout); initscr(); noecho(); curs_set(0); refresh(); while (1){ /* seems to be some junk (bounce?) in the first event and the third one is always 0, so just use the second */ if ((rd = read (fd, ev, size * 3)) < size) perror_exit ("read()"); /* printw("--------\n"); */ /* printw("type (1 = a key event): %u\n", ev[1].type); */ /* printw("code (key code, see linux/input.h): %u\n", ev[1].code); */ /* printw("value (0 = up, 1 = down): %d\n", ev[1].value); */ if (ev[1].type != 1) continue; // keycodes seem to roughly follow layout on actual keyboard row = 4*(ev[1].code/kbdwidth); col = 10*(ev[1].code % kbdwidth); switch(ev[1].code) { case KEY_A: ch = 'a'; break; case KEY_B: ch = 'b'; break; case KEY_C: ch = 'c'; break; case KEY_D: ch = 'd'; break; case KEY_E: ch = 'e'; break; // absolutely no idea why KEY_F doesn't work... case 33: ch = 'f'; break; case KEY_G: ch = 'g'; break; case KEY_H: ch = 'h'; break; case KEY_I: ch = 'i'; break; case KEY_J: ch = 'j'; break; case KEY_K: ch = 'k'; break; case KEY_L: ch = 'l'; break; case KEY_M: ch = 'm'; break; case KEY_N: ch = 'n'; break; case KEY_O: ch = 'o'; break; case KEY_P: ch = 'p'; break; case KEY_Q: ch = 'q'; break; case KEY_R: ch = 'r'; break; case KEY_S: ch = 's'; break; case KEY_T: ch = 't'; break; case KEY_U: ch = 'u'; break; case KEY_V: ch = 'v'; break; case KEY_W: ch = 'w'; break; case KEY_X: ch = 'x'; break; case KEY_Y: ch = 'y'; break; case KEY_Z: ch = 'z'; break; default: ch = ' '; } mvaddch(row, col, ch|(ev[1].value?A_REVERSE:0)); refresh(); } endwin(); return 0; }
Really, there should be no limitation. I guess it's because they keyboard has to report "repeat" when you hold a key down. But with our own electronics, we can define the protocol to just detect edges, so no numerical limit would exist--just send one at a time, every time.
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