I've been using jigl <http://xome.net/projects/jigl/> for years.

I copy my photos off & run a script to sort them into folders based on the
timestamp inside the EXIF of the photos.  They're all YYYYMMDD so they sort
in order.  I run jigl inside each directory to  creates a static HTML
gallery w/ thumbnails & links.  I do an ls2html script in the parent
directory to create an index.html.

I point my web server at the folder & it works.  I can burn it to DVDs.
Point at web browser at the top index.html and it looks the same.  If I
share the folder out on NFS/SMB/appleshare it works the same.

It looks like 2006 was the last update.  I like the fact that it's static
and extracts exif information.

Now, if there was something that could search the images w/o me adding lots
of metadata, I'd look at it.  Right now, the most I do is add to the
directory name.  Anyone know of something other then Google Images? :-)

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Ken D'Ambrosio <k...@jots.org> wrote:

> Hey, all.  It's the holidays, and I've decided it's time for me to get
> my family stuff organized.  I've used Gallery
> (http://galleryproject.org/) before, but it looks like it's gone into
> moribund mode -- and, honesty, the format was great back in Web 1.0
> days, but lacked the nifty interaction you get with newer stuff.  I've
> seen some that look decent, but don't appear to support videos.
> Wondering if anyone had any suggestions of applications that support
> both?
> Thanks (and may TuxSanta be good to you),
> -Ken
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