On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 3:17 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile) <g...@freephile.com> 
> Is this an unpaid internship?

> If so, I'm wondering how different this is compared to:

> ...

> ps. this is not a personal attack, I'm seriously wondering if this is
> what current CS grads have to look forward to.  My High School son is
> working right now for $9/hr and I have to give him good advice on what
> career path to follow.

I'm in Oracle's cluster file system group, formed largely from people
laid off by HP from the Tru64 UNIX group.

We've hired several recent college grads.  Oracle seems to treat them
pretty well - trip to HQ, meet some of the top-level exec, monthly lunch
with the local other college hires (where new seems to be within the
last three years or so).

We've generally hired people with a masters degree, generally from big
name schools (I guess that's worth something).  Brown Univ has a decent
OS curriculum, so it's a good place to get larval OS types.

Weird dealing with people who don't know of (not just have never used)
core memory, Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games, etc.  It's also
interesting seeing them get up to speed - they actually do.  Yay for
youthful exuberance.

As for career paths, before I went to college, Dad made a spreadsheet
(on graph paper) showing the cost of school and income for both a
EE and an electrician.  It took many years to catch up to the
electrician, and I imagine it takes many more years now given the
cost of college.

That's not too bad a career - cleaner than being a plumber, more
comfortable than being a HVAC guy roasting on the asphalt roof replacing
a burned out motor, and the job generally doesn't follow you home.

r...@wermenh.com                http://WermeNH.com/

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