I'm sure many of us read Slashdot. At any rate, perhaps there's hope from the legal system.

   Disney IT Workers Allege Conspiracy In Layoffs, File Lawsuits

dcblogs <http://slashdot.org/%7Edcblogs>writes with the latest in thelaid off Disney IT worker saga <http://yro.slashdot.org/story/15/11/24/0337209/disney-it-workers-prepare-to-sue-over-foreign-replacements>. According to ComputerWorld: "Disney IT workers laid off a year ago this month are now accusing the company and the outsourcing firms it hired of engaging in a 'conspiracy to displace U.S. workers <http://www.computerworld.com/article/3026332/it-outsourcing/disney-it-workers-allege-conspiracy-in-layoffs-file-lawsuits.html>.' The allegations are part of two lawsuits filed in federal court in Florida on Monday. Between 200 and 300 Disney IT workers were laid off in January 2015. Some of the workers had to train their foreign replacements — workers on H-1B visas — as a condition of severance. The lawsuits represent what may be a new approach in the attack on the use of H-1B workers to replace U.S. workers. They allege violations of the Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), claiming that the nature of the employment of the H-1B workers was misrepresented, and that Disney and the contractors knew the ultimate intent was to replace U.S. workers with lower paid H-1B

On 1/26/2016 12:23 PM, Richard Kolb II wrote:
I will sign that, I will also add that I am a SW Engineer with 16 years of experience, I've been laid off twice in that least few years, both times my job being outsourced to India. I also think that we're not going to get much traction, for the same reasons that David mentioned.

On a side note, my father was also working for IBM around the time they started outsourcing his job he took an early retirement.


Richard Kolb II

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 11:46 PM, David Hardy <belovedbold...@gmail.com <mailto:belovedbold...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The malice-aforethought intent, in my opinion, is to actually put
    American citizens out of work;  I was laid off over two years ago
from IBM and our jobs were offshored to India and Slovakia. Unemployed ever since, other than occasional contract and temp
    gigs, despite twenty years of solid IT experience across multiple
    hw and sw platforms, most recently RHEL and CentOS.

    And the government is evidently in bed with the corporations who
    engage in this practice.  Asking them to investigate is like unto
    asking the police to investigate one of their seemingly endless
    brutality and/or civil rights violations.

    "The petition is directed at U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch
    and asks her to launch a formal investigation into the H-1B visa
    program." - See more at:

    Somehow I don't feel confident that the AG's office will lift a
    finger for us, other than the usual mealy-mouthed PR platitudes
    and corporate-written bromides.

    Meanwhile they keep telling us how hard it is to find qualified
    American workers to do these incredibly complex and intricate jobs.

    On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Bill Freeman <ke1g...@gmail.com
    <mailto:ke1g...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        IEEE has an article here about abuse of the H-1B visa, putting
        citizens out of work.  It links to a petition asking the
        government to investigate.

        See the article here:


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