OK, guys.  CentOS 7.1.  I've got an OpenStack process that wigged out 
and was logging like crazy to /var/log/messages.  So I killed it.  FORTY 
FIVE MINUTES AGO.  And still, log lines that must've been buffered... 
somewhere, are flying into the messages file.  Gigabytes of them, e.g.,

Jan  6 20:42:56 sca1-drstack01 neutron-server[27127]: Exception 
RuntimeError: 'maxiException mum RuntimeErrorr: e'cmuaxrismuim roencu 
rdsieonp tdehp the xecxceeeeddede wdhi lew cahlillien gc aal lPiyntgh 
oan  Poybtjheocnt 'o in bject'<bound method GreenSocket.__del__ of 
<eventlet.greenio.GreenSocket object at 0x5889910>> ignored

Now, 27127 is dead, gone, not in the process table.  Not a zombie, not 
nothing.  I restarted the syslog... and the logging stopped for a few 
seconds, and then restarted.  How in blazes do I find what's buffering 
the logs, and how do I flush it?!

I've run into this once before and did *something*, but damned if I can 
remember what.  All ears; my disk space is finite.  (I've already 
truncated the file twice.)


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