I've been to a few of the Dartmouth GNHLUG meeting.  They would typically
meet at a restaurant before the meeting before going to a quiet room on

I think the important thing is to meet.  A topic/speaker/etc can evolve
from that.

I recently went to a wood turner's meeting.  They had a "try doing this"
demo before the meeting where others could watch, learn, and try.  The
formal meeting would do club business, do show & tell of what people made
on their lathes, then finish with a demo of a technique.

The early days of Linux (and Unix) groups were like that.  Linux Journal
and other magazines were like that too.  Things were starting out and you
didn't know where things were going (kde vs gnome vs everything before
that) so there was always something.  I remember a demo of someone playing
with Xfig on a new laptop that could compile Linux in the background w/o
slowing down.

I've been working with Openstack and Openshift, but it's not something I
could bring to a meeting.  My Openstack server at home is a Dell R710.   I
have seen a 5 stack Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster demo'd.

What would show & tell with Linux look like today?

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 3:52 PM Bruce Labitt <bruce.lab...@myfairpoint.net>

> As much as I enjoy eating out, the venue was too noisy for a meeting.
> If there's a meeting, it would be good to be able to hear folks.  It was
> difficult to hear people talking only 2 or 3 people away.  My 2 cents.
> What I was able to hear was both interesting and informative, and
> occasionally amusing :)
> On 2/24/20 2:57 PM, Ben Scott wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 10:00 AM Ken D'Ambrosio <k...@jots.org> wrote:
> >> Hey, all.  I'm deeply, deeply sorry I missed the fun.  Tow truck finally
> >> got me to Amherst around 7:00, and I still had to walk home from the
> >> shop.  But enough about me: I'm curious how things went!  Was a good
> >> time had by all?
> >    Everyone was so devastated by your inability to attend, they all
> > left after learning of the news.
> >
> >> Should we consider getting together again on a regular
> >> (probably quarterly) basis, maybe with an actual agenda, etc.?
> >    My personal opinion (and not that of any other person, organization,
> > or entity) has long been that regular meetings should come before
> > formal meetings.  It seems like people get caught up in the desire for
> > topics or speakers or other formalism, and seeing an inability to
> > sustain such, give up.  My thought is that if a community is built and
> > nourished, things like topics and speakers will follow naturally, as
> > people discuss, discover, and want to do more.  But if there is no
> > community, the opportunity for that synthesis is greatly diminished.
> > (Others have theorized that a lack of formal structure means there is
> > nothing to build on.  So maybe I'm wrong.)
> >
> >    So I would suggest picking a date and recurrence interval and
> > getting that going.
> >
> >    Perhaps at the next meeting, the question of topics of interest
> > could be the discussed.  (See?  Already the synthesis occurs.)
> >
> >    One concern I do have is: It is often difficult to hear and be heard
> > in a restaurant venue.  It certainly was the other night.  At the same
> > time, it seems like food and drink are an appealing aspect for many.
> > I know in the past, venues with a quiet corner or room, such that the
> > celebration and the discussion could be colocated, or relocated to
> > with a short walk, were sought, with some success.  Perhaps that is
> > still a possibility?
> >
> > -- Ben
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