>We held the summer quarterly last year at DWC and the turnout 
>rivalled the Chritmas meetings where md has been the speaker.
>DWC has everything we need:  they're easy to get to, they have the 
>large capacity seating, the wired stage, internet access, etc.
>Martha's doesn't even have all that.

They also have Computer Science students. Part of the publicity plan
should be to print up about 25 flyers to be posted in the halls on
campus. During the summer, they mostly have night classes, but they
definitely have CS students there. I presume that your DWC contact
can post flyers or enlist suitable help.

Another publicity point: post a notice in the ne.seminars newsgroup,
plus relevant Linux and Oracle newsgroups. DWC would actually like
this, because it helps to associate their name with CS.
.................David Marston       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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