On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 17:35:27 -0500
Rob Lembree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 22:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> >   Given that Paul Lussier, at least, missed what went on at the
> >   meeting we
> > had, I figured I would try and write up a report on what went on.  
> >   The topic of incorporating GNHLUG as a "real" non-profit came up
> >   again.  
> > I got the feeling it was abandoned again, too, but again, I missed
> > some discussion.
> We abandoned it again temporarily with the idea that it can be
> resurrected when we can all decide what the job of the umbrella
> organization is (beyond a web site and mailing list). 

As one of the attendees, I guess I will chime in with a thought on this.
This is not a big issue with me, but I do believe it sense to
file the paperwork creating a voluntary association or  a not
for profit organization under state law.  This is totally separate from
the issue of obtaining tax exempt status from the IRS.  It simply
creates an official entity and essentially every club in NH that I have
belonged had done so. Otherwise you are nothing from a legal perspective
and anyone can appropriate the name, etc.  If that happens, the
remedies are not easy or cheap.  I have been in a situation in which one
organization did not do so, a rogue group split off, registered with the
state using the original groups name, and then went out holding events
and advertising itself using the name of the original group. It was not
a good situation. 

I fully understand the independent if not libertarian like nature of the
group, but still.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

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