On Oct 23, 2005, at 11:05 PM, Benjamin Scott wrote:

We've even badgered those who disagree into trying it our way.

Wit the caveat that they reserve the right to say "I told you so."

Externally bookmarked URLs will likely break. I can't think of a nice way around this. To me, this is the biggest downside to this. However, it should all be easily findable again, and I honestly don't think there are that many people with bookmarks deep into the GNHLUG site.

Google spots ~270 sites when asked for "http://wiki.gnhlug.org"; - site:gnhlug.org.

An Apache guru might be able to write up a set of rewrite/redirects for "http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Www..."; to "http:// wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki3/bin/view/Main" but we may not want to bog down the server with this sort of thing.

During the actual process of the moving, if anyone else tries to do work on the wiki, they will likely collide with me. Fortunately, I think I can get this done in half a day on a weekend some time soon.

More recent TWiki versions have a banner message setting you can post to the top of each page to let folks know the TWiki is read-only. You could also temporarily mangle the password file. I would think weekends might be relatively high-traffic.

Much of the existing navigational will be retained, at least initially. That includes the rough hierarchy created by the existing link structure.

Good. Good wiki refactoring is small changes and lots of tests to make sure things still work.

  Comments?  Questions?  Suggestions?  Pizza?

Sounds like a plan. Let us know when you start, and how we might help.

-- Ben "You are in a maze of twisty wiki pages, all alike" Scott

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