I am for having a single site for all the groups.  But I'm not sure that the 
wiki meets the needs.  I know there are other CMS systems out there that have 
to do a better job than the Wiki does.  I'm trying one of them now.

I've never been a fan of a Wiki as a main site, it always seems to confusing.  
Not that I liked SLUG's old flat site, but at least you didn't get lost.  
Last month I started the Plone served website in an attempt to have it be 
more collaborative.  It's too early to tell if that will work or not.  One 
thing is certain, it's not as easy to get lost in the Plone site as with the 

The obvious down side is that I expect Plone consumes more resources than a 
wiki would.  But it does look nicer.  And so far seem fairly easy to use and 

If any of the other chapters setup a Drupal or PHP based CMS site I would like 
to check those out at well.

 Robert E. Anderson                     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Systems Programmer                     phone: (603) 862-3489
 UNH Research Computing Center            fax: (603) 862-1761
gnhlug-org mailing list

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