On Jun 27, 2006, at 11:59 AM, Bill McGonigle wrote:

This may be included here, but I'd like to add something about communication with other regional FLOSS groups. I met some folks from Portland, Maine who are trying to build a city-wide mesh by giving away old PC's to poor folks and they're linux fanatics. I met them at the VAGUE (Vermont) and they didn't know there was a New Hampshire presence. They drove their Mystery Machine out to Vermont and were a bit surprised how far away it was.

It's just a half-inch on the map!

We've got a Maine group listed at :


But it might not be the same folks. Maine is a couple of inches on the map, after all.

I know, Google, but this is a case where being proactive can be useful despite other more logical ways to do it. Jerry keeps us at least tuned in to the Boston group which is good (and prods us to get things done like LinuxWorld Expo), and we have some minimal communication over here between VAGUE and DLSLUG, but it's minimal. I know there's a big group in Worchester, and probably elsewhere; with LinuxWorld dead, we might want to think about what makes sense for the region's enthusiasts. My answer to everything is to setup a mailing list, but there may be other better options.

This is a great topic, and worthy of some exploration. Outreach has several different audiences: local potential users, other LUGs, local media, and more. There's a mesh topology here that might be fun exploring.

Of course, incorporation is going to be the first step for anything.

A small step for a man, but a giant leap for the group.

But only one of many steps we'd like to take in many directions. Out many volunteers and activists want to do a whole lot of activities, both within the GNHLUG context, peripherally and on their own. My goal is to try to try to provide a supporting structure off of which the activists can hang their projects.

Ted, thanks for grabbing the reigns on this, and I look forward to seeing everybody on the 12th.

Glad to.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

gnhlug-org mailing list

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