On 8/16/06, Cole Tuininga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
#2 - Delegation for gnhlug.org has to be changed before this offer is of
any use.  :)  C'mon - like you folks have anything else to do?  *grin*

I thought I did that last week?! Is something not working?

Sorry, while it's in the NS records for the zone, the whois record also
needs to include the Dyn nameservers.

 I believe DynDNS's system wants to see a proper delegation chain
before they will act as secondary servers.  Currently, the zone itself
contains the NS records, but there is no delegation to match:

liberty$ dig +noall +ans +auth  gnhlug.org. NS @liberty.gnhlug.org.
gnhlug.org.             3600    IN      NS      rogue.codemeta.com.
gnhlug.org.             3600    IN      NS      liberty.gnhlug.org.
gnhlug.org.             3600    IN      NS      ns2.mydyndns.org.
gnhlug.org.             3600    IN      NS      ns3.mydyndns.org.
gnhlug.org.             3600    IN      NS      ns4.mydyndns.org.
gnhlug.org.             3600    IN      NS      ns5.mydyndns.org.

liberty$ dig +noall +ans +auth gnhlug.org. NS @tld2.ultradns.net.
gnhlug.org.             86400   IN      NS      rogue.codemeta.com.
gnhlug.org.             86400   IN      NS      liberty.gnhlug.org.

 Recall that a DNS delegation occurs at the parent zone level.  NS
records within the zone of authority are not delegations.

 I don't think WHOIS actually comes into it, other than the fact that
WHOIS is supposed to reflect DNS... :)

-- Ben
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