On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 08:51 -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> > it would mean that I would need to take "ownership" of the domain name
>   That just means you get all the DNS spam instead of Bruce.  ;-)
>   Seriously: As long as GNHLUG lacks legal status, the domain must
> remain the property of an individual (or a third-party organization,
> but that seems even less likely).  "We" just have to decide if we
> trust Cole as much as Bruce.
>   Anyone here know where Cole lives?  ;-)

*heh*  Wouldn't help - you need a Sherpa to make it there anyway.  ;)

On a more serious note, whatever we decide to do, it should probably
happen soon.  The domain expires Sep 10, and domain transfers can take
up to (a supposed maximum of) 10 days to complete.

Cole Tuininga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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