On Tue, 2007-03-13 at 15:37 -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 3/13/07, Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ... they can bring a system with a non-nVidia card, but
> > with the caveat that we're less sure of being able to get it working
> > acceptably. But if we want to insist on nVidia, that's cool too.
>   maddog, you seem to be the guy in front of the herd, if not actually
> leading the way -- what do you think?  At this stage of the game, for
> stuff not on the "Hardware Compatibility List", do we allow it with a
> warning, or reject it outright?
> -- Ben

Hi, I am back from a two-day absence.

My feeling is that if we allow lots of "stuff" in that is not fixed, we
may end up with lots of people that will not get their systems working.

This is an appliance.  You don't get to specify the video board used
when you buy a Tivo.  nVidia cards work and are cheap (I have been
told).  If they want to use something else, they can do that at home.

All of that having been said:

o strongly suggest an nVidia
o tell them that any other card is "best effort" basis
o make them tell you what it is if it is not an nVidia

If we get too many non-nVidias or "odd things", we can reject the

>What email address do you want me to use?


>Any particular subject line?

MythTV InstallFest: March 31, 2007



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