On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 19:57 -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> I've been overhauling the MythFest pages on the GNHLUG website:
> http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Www/MythFest
> http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Www/MythFestRequirements
>  ----------
> 1. The requirements page says to stick with tried and true remotes,
> but doesn't actually list any.  This is outside my knowledge.

I had someone recommend a StreamZAP remote, and it works with their
MythTV, it has USB input.


> 2. Any recommended RAM amounts?  I copied CPU and disk from the MythTV
> page, but it didn't mention RAM.

Jarod has (more or less) consistently said that 1GB of RAM was "more
than enough".  Lacking any better direction, I would say "go with 1GB".

>  ----------
> Things I've done:
> - Clean up and wikiification
> - Split requirements to separate page
> - Fill in some holes
>  ----------
> Things to do I think I should have done within an hour or two:
> - Adding that an Internet feed is required
> - Some contextual help for "Signal source", etc.
> - Fixing the form JavaScript and CSS for MSIE
> - Make the form submit actually do something

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