On Tuesday 03 April 2007 23:26:44 Ben Scott wrote:
> On 4/3/07, Jon 'maddog' Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   FWIW, the figure given for a Series 3 TiVo is 32 hours of high def
> on a 250 GB disk.  That works out to 8 Gbyte/hour, or 19 Mbit/second.

I generally see about 6.5 to 8GB/hr for my HDTV recordings, rarely ever 
anything outside that.

> > And if you are also trying to watch it from another box on the same
> > network what are the stream(s) coming out?
>   Either way would be the same rate, by my understanding.  But modern
> switched Ethernet is full duplex, so that's no problem.  (You get 100
> megabit/sec in *each direction* -- 200 Mbit/sec total.)

I can attest to the fact I've had no problem recording two HDTV programs off 
the HDHR simultaneous with watching a 3rd, streaming off the backend to a box 
upstairs, all flowing through the same GbE NIC on the server (w/GbE switch, 
though the HDHR's onboard ethernet is 10/100). At most, its typically only 
40Mbps into the server and 20Mbps out. A drop in the bucket on a switched GbE 
network, and ought to be fine if you're limited to all 100Mbps links too.

> > We tried MythDora at the first event.  It failed.
>   So I understand.  :)  Any idea how it failed?

Custom installs were completely broken, as were some of the post-install/first 
boot bits. However, almost immediately after that session, I started working 
with the MythDora folks a LOT. I've revamped their entire distro spin process 
to use the same tools RH does, and overhauled a ton of the internals. I've 
got an in-progress development build here that is quite nice, if you ask me. 
I'd actually been planning to bring it with me last weekend to show off. :(

I actually feel confident enough in its level of polish right now that I might 
suggest this as the route to go for the next install. Everything needed is on 
a single DVD (or two CDs), all selectable at install-time, with the suggested 
bits pre-selected, so there's very little the user has to do to get the right 
software on the system.

> > So in the end I think it just has to be choosing the distribution and
> > really testing the install, which includes the designated hardware,
> > designated distribution and designated instructions.
>   Absolutely.

Give me a few more days to iron out a couple of remaining details, and I'll 
get you guys access to the latest and greatest MythDora.

I'll try to respond to some of the earlier comments in this thread, time 

Oh, and somehow, I'm negative for strep... :)

Jarod Wilson
gnhlug-org mailing list

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