The rest of your message however appears to be overreactive beligerent
head-butting indignant I-really-shouldve-taken-a-deep-breath-before-
flying-off-the-handle ranting.  When you calm down and have something
constructive to say, I'd be happy to read your comments.

 While it may be belligerent, I do not consider it a "rant".  I
consider what I wrote to be an accurate take on the situation.

 You seem to be working on a different project than maddog and I.
You also appear to have different standards for usability and
complexity.  Neither of those are a problem in general -- "It takes
all kinds" -- but they don't co-exist well with what we're trying to
accomplish here.  This isn't supposed to be an amazing feat of
technical acuity.  We're not doing this for hack value.  We're going
this to help the "home user" crowd who see the computer as a tool, and
just want it to work, with a minimum of effort and fuss.  If any
"Linux Ninja Magic" is required at all, we have failed to provide

 I am agitated because, by your own statements, you have something
you want to prove, and by my observations and interpretations, you are
intent on proving it regardless of the cost to others.  I find that

-- Ben
gnhlug-org mailing list

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