On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 23:14 -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> Software Freedom Day 2007
> Saturday 15 September (one month from today)
> http://softwarefreedomday.org/
>   I'm thinking getting involved in this would be a nice replacement
> for my efforts at hamfests.  Maybe others would also like to chip-in.
> Anyone else teetering on the edge of volunteering who would like to
> join me?  I'm thinking something at UNH Durham might be appropriate,
> or maybe the Portsmouth/Newington area (BestBuy?).  Or I can drive "to
> away", if that's where the action is.
>   I know we've got a few people who already to this.  I was hoping
> they could give some words as to what works, what doesn't, what to
> expect, etc.  This is all new to me.

I did this last year with Matt Oquist.  Since he is the originator of
the day, he had an "inside scoop" to getting the materials, which

o Balloons that had "Software Freedom Day" printed on them
o T-shirts that (likewise) had SFD printed on them
o Many CDs from Ubuntu/Canonical

He also had a "Software Freedom Day" banner that we put around the table or up
on the wall, and fliers photocopied telling about the event

We did two sessions of it.   One was at the Nashua Public
Library and one at the Cafeteria at Daniel Webster College on two
separate days.

The great thing about SFD is that it is kind of "loose" in the
definition of SFD, so it could be many different days, and celebrated
many different ways.

"Everyday is SFD" seems to be the theme.

I think it is too late to get the official materials, but you could
always order Ubuntu disks from:


and there may be a T-shirt floating around.

On the other hand, if there is not you could probably get a design from
Matt or from the site:


or even make your own.

But enough of this!  Here is the official "Start Guide" that can give
you some ideas!


And you might want to send your invitation to join SFD to the entire
gnhlug mailing list.  I am sure that there would be lots of people who
would love to help you celebrate it.



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