Bill McGonigle wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2008, at 09:03, Bill Ricker wrote:
>> Are the LUGs/LoCo doing anything around USENIX Boston this month?
> FYI, I just checked on the corporate rates and they are:
>    6' display table: $3000
>    tote bag insert (1 page): $1,000
>    Advertising in the Conference On-site Guide full page ad: $1,000;  
> half page ad: $600

Yeah, not a cheap way to attend the conference.

> Would anybody like to contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] and see if they  
> have a local-nonprofit-package?

I think we have some pretty good contacts if you'd really like to offer 
to do something. Some of our affiliate members are, or were, USENIX 
veterans and could probably get us in touch with the folks who make the 
decisions (vice the ones who answer email aliases). What would you like 
to propose?

This is the first I'd heard of the conference (not of USENIX, of course, 
just this event). If you'd like to act as point person to coordinate 
coverage for a booth, this is certainly something we could probably drum 
up some support for, get some handouts, loan out the banner, etc. But 
I'm not sure this is where I'd want to concentrate my efforts. It feels 
a bit like preaching to the choir. And I'm not sure a booth presence 
adds all that much value. This isn't a crowd likely to be amazed by 
TuxRacer or even Maya on Linux. The tote bag insert seems like a better 
use of time and effort, though certainly not money. I'd be glad to 
contribute a lovely DTP'd page for USENIX to include for the benefit of 
their members, but not at a cost.

> I think we're complementary to USENIX; I announce their events at  
> DLSLUG for free.  If they think we're competition, that could be  
> interesting.  In that case, I'll happily return their requests for  
> announcements with our for-profit-user-group announcement rate  
> schedule next time. ;)

;) Would be nice if someone paid, but...

My experience in talking with some other local conferences is that they 
were covering their costs to have tables set up, electrified and rental 
expenses in quoting a price for booth space. This is how vendors help 
defray the costs of the conference. The idea of not-for-profit volunteer 
organizations adding to the value of their conference is an alien one to 
most event organizers I've spoke with. Some random hippies want to walk 
in off the street, take over a booth and preach "Freedom" isn't their 
typical customer. If there's a DotOrg Pavilion like Linux World, maybe, 
but if there are glittering booths from HP and IBM, Computer Associates 
and Oracle, a couple UG volunteers in a booth with a laptop looks a bit 
out of place.

I'd suggest, if we're trying to calculate cost and effort vs. results, 
we'd be a lot better off finding out if any members are going and 
loading them up with handouts or biz cards to post in worthwhile 
locations, e.g., bulletin boards.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
gnhlug-org mailing list

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