
Recently a member of GNHLUG approached me as a member of the Board of
Directors on an issue of "harassment".  It was felt by this member that
a fellow member of GNHLUG was "harassing" them, finding fault with
everything they said on the mailing lists and at meetings because of
other issues, not because of the topic at hand.

This saddens me, because when we started GNHLUG fifteen years ago, we
set a goal to create a welcoming environment.  Unix had the image of
"propeller head intellectuals only".  We wanted Linux to be friendly,
like Tux the penguin.  We wanted to embrace everyone, from the youngest
to the oldest, at any level of skill from novice to expert, without any
regard to religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, political
view, physical abilities or position in the economic scale.

On the mailing list from time to time you will see "harassment"
happening in the form of "Harassing Ben" or "Harassing maddog".  These
are not really meant as "harassment", but are simply good friends
ribbing each other given their deep knowledge and respect.

However, even these "ribbings" may have a detrimental effect on new
members not joining, since they do not know the personalities or see the
humor.  Or the terms used in the joking "harassment" could hurt people
for whom they were not directed.

We do not want to turn the mailing list or the meetings into dry,
humorless events, but we do want people to feel welcomed, and having
personal attacks on people is not "welcoming".

Therefore I ask the GNHLUG board to create a "Harassment Policy",
effective immediately.  I have crafted an initial draft of a policy
which is attached for discussion and approval.


Jon "maddog" Hall
Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
email: mad...@li.org         80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557       Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.
WWW: http://www.li.org

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

(R)Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in several
(R)Linux International is a registered trademark in the USA used
   to a license from Linux Mark Institute, authorized licensor of Linus
   Torvalds, owner of the Linux trademark on a worldwide basis
(R)UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the USA and other

Policy on Harassment

The Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group (GNHLUG) is intent on creating a 
welcoming environment for all of its members.

Remarks should be directed toward the topic of the discussion, rather than the 
person discussing the topic.

Members should understand that email (the bulk of our communication) is a 
toneless medium, normally lacking of emotion, and their idea of "gentle 
ribbing" may not be seen the same way by other people.  Even when someone is 
not the target of this "gentle ribbing", the group may get a bad name.

Members should also understand that we have a wide range of expertise and 
experience levels in our membership.  Questions and statements that may seem 
simple or rhetorical may have been asked in all good faith, and should not be 

Since harassment is a problem that is often evidenced over time, and is 
difficult to define, people who feel they have been or are being harassed by an 
individual should contact one of the board members of GNHLUG and that board 
member will determine the steps to be taken.

People who do not know what consitututes harassment may consult New Hampshire 
Title LXII of the Criminal Code, Chapter 644, Section 644:4
"Harassment".  A link to this law may be found here:


Special attention will be paid to issues of harassment due to issues of gender, 
age, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, physical abilities, and other 
similar issues.

Penalties may include being banished from the group permanently.
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