On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:44 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile)
<g...@freephile.com> wrote:
> I've noticed that bots are registering users in the wiki
> http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Main/WebStatistics

  Yah.  It's always happened, but there seemed to be an increase in
the rate relatively recently.  Maybe six months ago?

> However, with a quick look, I don't see to what end.  There isn't any
> visible content in their user pages, and I don't /think/ there are any
> inlined images or other crap.

  There's a spam filter that checks content before it gets posted.  I
think what's happening is their registration works, but then
everything they try and post gets rejected.

> I'm sorry that I don't have time to look more into it, but figured that I
> should wave a flag.

  Thanks.  Better to say something than not say something and have it be missed.

-- Ben
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