On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Matt Herbert wrote:

> Hey everybody,
> After an awesome quake 3 LAN party this weekend :), one of my friends
> decided he wanted to try linux on his system.  I excitedly agreed to
> help him install Red Hat 6.1.  To my surprise and disappointment, I
> couldn't get it installed to save my life.  He has a new system with
> a 27 GIG IDE hard drive.  When he set the system up, he formatted a
> ~24 GIG Windows partion, and left 3 GIG as unpartioned space.  For
> some strange reason, the redhat installer simply wouldn't allow me to
> create a / partion on that space, it kept saying there wasn't enough
> room.
> What I was doing, was creating a 128 meg swap partion, which worked
> fine.  Then I would create a 1 meg / partion and select the "Grow to
> fill disk" checkbox.  That didn't work.  So I typed in the the size
> of the partion based on the free space printed in the summary section.
> Nix on that too.  So I tried creating a 100 meg / partion ... nope.
> Always the same error.  I could create any other partion without a
> problem, e.g. I created a /home and set it to "Grow to fill disk"
> and it worked fine.  I just couldn't create the slash partion.
> The only thing I can guess at, is that slash needs to be hda1 
> (although I'd swear I've had slash as hda5 before) or possibly the
> slash partion needs to be near the beginning of the disk for some
> ancient bios reason.
> So does anybody know what the problem might be? and if there is a
> workaround?
> -Matt

I'm not quite sure why redhat is doing that but I know that if you don't
atleast put /boot near the begining of the hard drive that you'll have
problems with lilo not finding the kernel image.


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