After announcing the company to speak for April, I realized many of yo
umight like to see the first note they sent  me asking if we had anyone
interested in contributing to the project. So here is Lukes first contact
with me.

Hello, my name is Luke Rindfuss, and I want to announce the
launch of a new open source project.

In January 1999, the Bluebird project began as a niche application
in the network management space. Unfortunately, without a good
platform to run on, we came to the realization that we have to build
the bulk of network management functionality into Bluebird just to be
able to run stand-alone.

So we began building the next generation network management
system. Our software employs state of the art web technologies
such as JAVA, XML, XSL, ODBC, and distributed computing.
We are also building the first multi threaded SNMP libraries

We are donating our design docs and source code to  We want to give control over technological
innovation back to the community. The project is not complete
and we need help!

Similarly to the Linux world, our industry is dominated by
multi-billion dollar corporate goliaths. These goliaths, including
HP(OpenView), IBM(Tivoli), and CA(Unicenter), promote
decade old products to their technology starved customer
base. Without the help of the user community our nine
person operation will fail to modernize this industry.

We are trying to get the word out. We are looking for developers,
testers, technical writers, or anyone that wants to work on a cool
new open source project. Pease forward this email to anyone
within your group that might be interested in this project.

PLEASE NOTE: We are always interested in providing a speaker
for local user groups! If the topic of free and open enterprise
management software is of interest to your group, please contact
me. Go to,

Our web site is

Thanks for taking the time to read this email. - Luke

Jerry Kubeck      Customer Support     Appropriate Solutions, Inc.

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