I have a friend living in Nashua who had similar experiences with Flashcom.
His ADSL works fine now, and he's happy with it, but he had to go to similar
extremes to get them to actually install anything and get the service
working.  He had to call them daily as well to get them to get it done.


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Scott Mellott
> Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 10:47 AM
> Subject: High-Speed Access in Nashua?
> Chris,
> I live in Nashua and have ADSL through Flashcom/North Point
> Communications.  It's not always as fast as a cable modem (420k
> down/208k up) but, it gives you a static IP and you're not on shared
> segment.  Most importantly, it sure is a lot faster than dial up.
> I can't really recommend Flashcom because of their terrible customer
> service.  It took them over two weeks from the time the physical install
> took place to when the service started to finally work.  I'm convinced
> that if I had not been so persistent with them in calling them daily, it
> would have taken much longer.  An email to their CEO seemed to get their
> attention in the end.
> Northpoint has several other partners that have service in Nashua.  I
> believe they are PSN and Internet Connection.  They are more expensive
> than Flashcom ($39.95/month vs. $50/month) but, if I had it to do over,
> I wouldn't go with Flashcom.  For some unknown reason, Bell Atlantic
> still
> does not offer service in Nashua.
> Media One claims they will have cable modem service by the end of this
> year.
> I'll believe that when I see it.  Now that I have DSL, I'm dumping them
> for Dishnetwork.
> Scott
> >
> > Hi Folks,
> >
> > I've got a quandary. I currently live in Manchester, and have
> > MediaOne's internet service. It's fast, reliable, and relatively
> > inexpensive. My problem is this: I'm moving to Nashua, and it appears
> > as if MediaOne/Roadrunner is not available there.
> >
> > Does anyone have any high-bandwidth Internet access recommendations
> > for Nashua? 56k dialup simply does not make the cut. I've been spoiled
> > on 170k/sec downloads.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > c./
> >
> > --
> >         Chris Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >    "After all, aren't we just a bunch of drinkers with a
> computer problem?"
> >                                 -- Rich Soule on the GNHLUG mailing list
> >                         Save the penguins! http://www.penguins.org.au/
> >
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