On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Lussier, Kenneth wrote:
>> 1. Is it possible to mount DAT tape from windows PC connect to linux
>>    server  running samba?
> I don't see why not. If the DAT is shared out via Windoze print
> and file sharing.  I do this with my Zip ( I know it's not the same, but
> Windoze treats all removable media pretty much the same). Once it's shared
> out, you should be able to mount it using smbclient.

  One problem: DAT is Digital Audio Tape.  As in a sequential access medium.
It does not mount in the Unix filesystem, therefore it cannot be shared via
Samba.  Additionally, Windows does treat sequential access devices differently
then random access devices.  In fact, different versions of Windows treat them
differently, or not at all.  :-)

| "Sure, 90% of science fiction is crud.  That's because 90% of everything |
|  is crud."              --  Theodore Sturgeon                            |

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