In a message dated: Wed, 17 May 2000 16:06:48 EDT
Brice Gibson said:

>We are opening an FTP server to the Internet.  The FTP server potentially 
>will handle multiple simultaneous connections.
>The FTP server is a private server requiring a username and password.
>Yes we are running M$ and SQL Server, but will migrate to UNIX and probably 
>Oracle before the year is out.
>1.     Generally speaking is there a limit on simultaneous FTP connections?
>2.     Are usernames and passwords sent via clear text?
>3.     If so, what do you suggest to encrypt them? (VPN?)
>4.     Are there any other security risks (besides the security hole called 
>       Win2000) that I should be aware of?

Are you saying that the ftp server you're planning on placing on the 'net is a 
Win2k server?  If so, there's not much I can say about securing it, since IIS 
and SQL server have more holes than a sieve.

If it's a Linux box, I recommend looking at Evi Nemeth's "System 
Administrator's Handbook" and reading up on how to set up ftp servers.

For security purposes, I would recommend using OpenSSH if you're really 
concerned, since yes, normal ftp does send usernames/passwords in cleartext.
(For anon ftp this isn't a big deal, for secure ftp it is!).

Good luck.
        "I always explain our company via interpretive dance.
             I meet lots of interesting people that way."
                                          Niall Kavanagh, 10 April, 2000

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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