>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On 5/19/00, 4:11:13 PM, "George Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
regarding samba:
> I am a linux newbie and am running redhat 6.1. I have installed samba
> my linux machine shows up in the network neighborhood but when I try
> access the linux box I am asked for a password and I have tried every
> password that I have ever used but it rejects everything.
I am no expert, but I use Samba a lot. First, if you are logging onto
the Win9x machine with a user and password, then the Linux box needs
the same user and password set up on it. Second, current versions of
Win9x use encryped passwords. I don't think Samba under 6.1 will
handle encrypted passwords out of the box. I have always used the
instructions in the Samba docs to edit the registry on the win9x
machines to enable plain passwords. You will find a file on this
specific subject in the samba docs directory. Take care of this issue
and you should be okay. Until you edit the samba config file the only
directory you will have access to via samba will be the home directory
of the user who has logged in via Win9x. Hope this helps.
Ed Lawson
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