The 2nd Quarter GNHLUG meeting is tomorrow night at Stark Mill Brewery, 500
Commercial St, Mandhester, NH at 7 pm.

We are having a buffet dinner before (5:45 pm in the Skyview Room). Taos,
the SYS Admin company is sponsoring the evening and will be assisting in
the overall cost of the buffet. (This is contingent on enough of us being
there and eating)

Please send me a private eamil letting me know if you are coming for the
buffet so I can let Stark Mill know. We will probably need 20 to make the
buffet feasible. It will be served upstairs and we will have a bartender as

The presenter is Ted Ts'o from VA Linux and the presentation will be on
File Systems.

Prizes include a boxed set of Word Perfect 2000 from Corel, backpacks
compliments of Alpha Processor Inc, and the usual number of Cd's and a few

Lets show Ted Ts'o the GNHLUG support he deserves as one of the most
respected kernal developers in the Linux community.

See you all there.


Jerry Kubeck      Customer Support     Appropriate Solutions, Inc.

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