Wow - talk about "Where do you want to go today...?" /:| According to the link below, you can download various Operating Systems/Components at the MSN site (BeOS, FreeDOS, Linux, and OS/2 >;) I wonder what kind of info/FUD M$ is getting from this site...
begin:vcard n:Roberts;David tel;pager:Nope - MobilCOMM was too unreliable tel;cell:Yup - but it's usually off tel;fax:978-256-4778 tel;home:*sorry* tel;work:978-256-0052 x1393 x-mozilla-html:FALSE url: org:Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.;Hardware Support Engineering adr:;;199 Riverneck Road;Chelmsford;MA;01824;USA version:2.1 email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] title:Senior Hardware Engineer x-mozilla-cpt:;18336 fn:David Roberts end:vcard