> Question: How did you hear about the show.
> Friend: 18    Email list: 7   Invited: 1      Other: 23       Company: 5
> NHCTC: 2      Periodicals: 10  PublicRadio: 1  Flyer: 2
> Total: 69
> What OS do you use now?
> Win 95/98: 10 Win NT: 20      Linux: 31       Solaris: 2      Mac: 3
> BSD: 2                True64Unix: 1
> Total: 69
> Where did they come from:

> NH: 47  MA: 6   ME: 9   CA: 1   NJ: 2   RI: 1   Unknown: 2

Since, besides "other" Friend was the major category, I'm not
surprised we had mainly NH.  NJ, CA?  Wow, were they there with

Maybe for next year's show, we advertise "so good, we bring in people
from around the US!" :-)

> Which Lug are they closest to:

> Monadlug: 5     SLUG: 53        Merrilug: 7     Central: 3
> Unknown: 1

Not surprising, given the location.  Shows we've probably got to do
more advertising outside the local area, maybe figure some way to get
on the interview shows prior to the show next year (The Connection on
NPR, anyone listen to commercial radio or watch TV who can tell us
what the talk shows are that the business folks listen to / watch in
the local area?)

Jeffry Smith      Technical Sales Consultant     Mission Critical Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED] phone:978.446.9166,x271 fax:978.446.9470
Thought for today:  Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for 
                -- John Kenneth Galbraith

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