
        I must admit I am tempted by the Applixware offer.  However,
I already have StarOffice which I didn't have to pay for...  I don't
normally do anything that can't be done with plain ASCII/HTML.  The
possible exception is opening attachments from others who don't know
the power of the light side...

        My question is, has anyone used both and can give a brief
analysis of the benefits of Applixware?  StarOffice is pretty much
a beast and I hate the default occupy the whole screen with our
approach, but it does what I need...

        There is something to be said for supporting companies brave
enough to offer and support software.  Even though it is only a $40
investment, I need to be able to justify it to myself...

        If anyone can list some reasons why AW is better than SO, I'd
be grateful...  I know they have a Java based Anywhere version, but I'm
not likely to run it at home and so it isn't a good demonstration of
their binaries performance...


  ||                        ||                                       ||
  || Todd Littlefield       ||        SPECTRUM Apps Group            ||
  || Aprisma Mgmt. Tech.    ||          - Tactical Division          ||
  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ||            - C, C++, Perl             ||
  || (603) 337-5621         ||            - HTML, CGI, Java          ||
  ||                        ||                                       ||

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