Ray Bowles wrote:
>     I know I asked about this about a week ago but I was receiving mail
> in windows then and that OS no longer exists and I lost all of your
> replys. I installed bind-8.2.2-P5.i386.rpm I have been looking and the
> info on linuxdoc.org and have become a little confused. I seems to me
> that I have to create a bunch of files (i.e. /etc/named.conf) because
> they don't exist. Any suggestions on where to go for more documentation?
> Or anyone willing to send well commented files? I didn't really get what
> I was looking at on linuxdoc.org, then again it was 3:00am this morning.

The O'Reilly book "DNS and BIND" is my personal favorite reference.

What sorts of things do you want to do with DNS? I run a small
LAN behind a firewall (using NAT), and have run BIND:

- to provide name service for the internal LAN (so the machines
  can find each other without a hosts file), and

- to have a caching nameserver.

If that's all you want to do, it's pretty straightforward.
Here are files for "mynet.org", which is (an
internal-use-only network). BTW, I'd love comments on these
files from more BIND-savvy readers...

================     /etc/named.conf:
options {
        /* This is where the rest of the files will go */
        directory "/var/named";

         * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
         * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
         * directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
         * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
         * port by default.
        query-source address * port 53;

zone "." {
        type hint;
        file "named.ca";

zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "named.local";

zone "mynet.org" {
        notify no;
        type master;
        file "mynet.zone";

zone "17.23.172.in-addr.arpa" {
     notify no;
     type master;
     file "mynet.reverse";

================     /var/named/named.ca:

[get it from: ftp://ftp.rs.internic.net/domain/named.ca]

================     /var/named/named.local:
@       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost.  (
                                      1997022700 ; Serial
                                      28800      ; Refresh
                                      14400      ; Retry
                                      3600000    ; Expire
                                      86400 )    ; Minimum
        IN      NS      localhost.

1       IN      PTR     localhost.

================     /var/named/mynet.zone:
; definition of zone mynet.org
mynet.org.      SOA     foo.mynet.org.  root.foo.mynet.org.  (
                                      2000060302 ; Serial
                                      28800      ; Refresh
                                      14400      ; Retry
                                      3600000    ; Expire
                                      86400 )    ; Minimum

; name server
                IN      NS      ns
ns              IN      A

; hosts
foo             IN      A
bar             IN      A

================     /var/named/mynet.reverse:
; reverse lookup for mynet.org

@       IN      SOA     foo.mynet.org. root.foo.mynet.org.  (
                                      2000060301 ; Serial
                                      28800      ; Refresh
                                      14400      ; Retry
                                      3600000    ; Expire
                                      86400 )    ; Minimum
        IN      NS      ns.mynet.org.

1       IN      PTR     foo.mynet.org.
2       IN      PTR     bar.mynet.org.

================     /etc/resolv.conf (on foo, the nameserver):
domain mynet.org

================     /etc/resolv.conf (on bar, a client of the nameserver):
domain mynet.org

That's it!

-- Jerry Callen                      Mobile: 617-388-3990
   Narsil                            FAX:    617-876-5331
   63 Orchard Street                 email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Cambridge, MA 02140-1328

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