And also check the permissions on the users home directory too:

$ ls -al ~
drwx---r-x  23 jeff     jeff         4096 Jun 24 15:27 .

At 03:15 PM 6/26/00 -0700, Kurth Bemis wrote:
>At 02:54 PM 6/26/2000 -0400, csmith wrote:
>this is what we did at
>drwxr-xr-x  16 kurth    users        1024 Jun 13 10:05 public_html
>also make sure that all the files under that dir are public readable by 
>doing a 'chmod 755 public_html -R'
>then in your www dir (/www in my case)
>i do 'ln -s /home/kurth/public_html kurth'
>try that...i suspect that it is the permissions on the page or the html dir.
>>my web server is serving a page ( index.html)  from /home/httpd/html
>>I want to set up a sym link to the directory /home/tara/html  so that
>>the web server serves the index.htnml page from /home/tara/html
>>No matter how I set the permissions It won't work it keep saying that I
>>don't have permission to access this page
>>I am using the command ln -s /home/tara/html  to set the symlink
>>can any one help??
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>Kurth Bemis - Senior Linux Network/Systems Administrator,
>ICQ - 6624050
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Jeff Macdonald
Ayer, MA

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