On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Derek Martin wrote:
> I read an article somewhere about this, and the only reason they didn't
> was because it would have been cost-prohibitive to rip out the SMP core.

  That is true, but they still could have come up with a more sophisticated
way to do it, without a big price increase.  Cutting a trace on the die with a
laser, for example.

   It is also worth noting that a fair amount (most? all?) of the SMP stuff is
in the overall design of the chip, so at least some of what a PIII user is
paying for is engineering.  Or so the theory goes...

> Don't be surprised if you see completely non-SMP-capable processors in
> their next line of chips.

  I did say "a few" friendly engineers.  ;-)  And see above about laser

> All the more reason to use Linux for firewalls and VPN.  Phone systems may
> be different -- I don't know much about them.

  For example, Panasonic makes a voice mail system that comes in a two-port
version and a four-port version.  The difference is the license key.  And the
price tag.  And they put a sticker labeled "DO NOT USE" over ports three and
four on the two-port version.  So you're actually getting *more* physical
material with the two-port version.  ;-)

> I agree that this sort of tiered approach is a complete rip-off.

  And I'm sure you'd be willing to pay twice the price for the
less-the-premium components you buy otherwise?  Or more money for the car
you're driving, for that matter (assuming you're not driving a luxury car)?  
Again, this practice of using the high-end to subsidize the low-end is very
common, and I'm willing to bet almost everyone on this mailing list benefits
from it.


> It's one of the thing that's always annoyed me about certain software
> companies' licenses...

  I don't mind that nearly as much as the lousy quality, crummy service,
warranty disclaimers, and unreasonable restrictions.  I'm not afraid to pay
for something.  I just want something for what I pay for.

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