Thank You for the cancellation notice via E-mail.
I'm just a newbie to the group but plan to attend all future meetings.
In the future I would rather attend a sparse meeting  than pass up the
chance to hash things out in the group.
I would not have benefited from the call tree too could have
gaps in communication.
Perhaps a phone call to Martha's or a stop in by an informed member
could have helped out the members who attended.
"hey didn't ya hear....."
I again vote to attend a five person meeting with no speaker ,no plan,
no giveaways vs going straight home with out my linux fix.
NOTE: I have two "Conan O'Brian"  like emergency Guests who would speak
on AMANDA or  postgres in a pinch.
(break glass , plop in chair, commence speaking)

to lighten the mood...

"The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't the
day they start to make vacuum cleaners"   ba-dump-dump

Rob Yelle

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