In a message dated: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 23:07:59 EDT
Derek Martin said:

>One thing worth pointing out is that *.* is a DOSism, and is not required
>for ftp, and may actually PREVENT transfer of files you are trying to
>transfer (if they don't have a . in them)...  You should simply do a 
>  mput *

Yes, knew that.  The weenies on the other end of the phone could barely figure 
out how to bring up a DOS window :)  My old habit of spelling everything out 
for the electronically challeneged kicked in :)

>Also, though I'm not sure it makes a difference, it is not clear whether
>you are trying to limit a file size or remove such a limit.

Trying to remove one if it exists.  Though in further testing, there
doesn't seem to really be one.  I'm not think ing it may be the remote end's
firewall disallowing file sizes > some limit.
           I'm in shape, my shape just happens to be pear!

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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