One last word.

This particular individual who made the mistake by posting with a
particular company's product and his company were also one of our biggest
cash contributors to the Linux Business Show.

Maybe we all should remember the saying "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".

Don't forget, it is your beloved :-) GNHLUG Chairman that also sends by
mistake some of those dreaded 30k files before thinking.

Whether we knew or not that this individual and company support us and
Linux isn't necessarily the important point.

Discussions, honest criticism, and explainations or directions on how to do
it in a better way the next time can certainly be of greater assistance
than just an angry or reprimanding type response when it appears the sender
really didn't understand the easy way to send the post in the first place.

Thanks and have a great day.


Jerry Kubeck      Customer Support     Appropriate Solutions, Inc.

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