Just to be clear folks, the following are *technical* (not sales)
events open to the public.  Take an afternoon off and come join us at
the Museum.  Space is limited, so pre-reg is a must.

Collective Technologies would like to formally invite you to attend one of
the following two seminars:

Title:    Backup and Recovery
Speaker:  W. Curtis Preston, Principal consultant for
          Collective Technologies and author of the O'Reilly book
          "UNIX Backup and Recovery"
Subject:  How well does your backup work?  Does your data
          backup work?  Do you even have a data backup?  If your
          IT system fails, you'd better hope you have a darned
          good one.  Find out how a rock solid data backup system
          can help save your data from disaster.

Title:    Sharing Authentication between Windows 2000 and Unix
Speaker:  Collective Technologies Senior Consultant Team
Subject:  Today's authentication systems are extremely
          complex and difficult to administer.  Collective
          Technologies will demonstrate a solution that allows for
          a Common Authentication database between your Unix and
          Windows 2000 clients based on the Windows 2000 Active
          Directory and Unix PAM Modules.

Event date: October 12, 2000
Event location: Museum of Science
                Science Park
                Boston, MA 02114

Schedule for the day:

Registration and open tour of Museum exhibits: 12:00 (noon) - 1:45pm
Concurrent Seminars:  2:00pm - 4:30pm
Reception and demonstration:  4:30pm

Private OMNI Theater showing of "Storm Chasers": 7pm

If you would like to reserve your spot for either seminar, please
register at the following URL: http://www.collectivetech.com/rsvp

-Paul Iadonisi / Consultant / Red Hat Certified Engineer
 Collective Technologies - Managing Systems and Networks
 Team Yankee, Local Linux Lobbyist
 Ever see a penguin fly?  --  Try Linux.
 GPL all the way: Sell services, don't lease secrets

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