At 07:24 AM 11/1/2000 -0500, Tom Laurie wrote:

install AIDE - its on freshmeat.  i did....and it's helped me a lot...there 
are a log of files modified in a day.......then i wrote a hack script for 
cron.daily to have it run every day and mail the results to me......

its a replacement for tripwire that does thing that tripwire didn't think 
of.....well worth the compile time... :-)


>I just heard how hackers were focusing on cable systems by placing 
>"Zombie" programs on the computers behind the cable.  If you got one of 
>these placed on your system you wouldn't notice it, but your computer 
>could be used to go out and hack other computers.  It is also virtually 
>impossible to trace the Zombie program back to the originator.
>I've helped a little with other gnhlug members to set up Concord 
>Christian's Linux box connected to their Mediaone cable running 
>IPChains.  They got a call from ATT Broadband yesterday saying that their 
>computer was being used to hack into other computers and sure enough, when 
>you reboot their server it says Zombie at some point.
>Does anyone know how to clean the Zombie off of their server?
>Once it is off, how can I protect against it ?
>Tom Laurie
>NH Office of Emergency Management
>Systems Manager
>603 223-3617

Kurth Bemis - Network/Systems Administrator, Computer

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