Kevin Clark writes:
> The biggest issue with customizing emacs is that doing so nearly
> always requires knowledge of Lisp ...

        Depending on how new your emacs is you may be able to try:

                M-x customize <CR>

        I'm sure that it doesn't satisfy everyone (I haven't really
used it since I prefer fiddling the elisp myself, and don't want to
customize much).  Note that you only need to understand a tiny
fraction of lisp to manage your .emacs file.  What you do have to
understand is all the issues of customizing all of those available
modes and subsystems, and how it interacts with your keyboard and
mouse bindings, where your mail spool file is, etc.  The documentation
is usually good, once you find it, but I have been reduced to reading
the elisp source code on occasion.  Even there, you probably don't
have to understand much lisp, since if you can't make your chosen
customization by setting a provided and well commented variable, then
it's probably not worth the effort.

        Someone mentioned customizing forground and background colors.
Assuming that you are running under X (as opposed to customizing
colors when running in console mode), emacs will respond to X's
resourse tags.  It's worth learning about the X resource stuff, since
lots of other applications also respond to it, and if you're ever in a
networked environment your resource settings will apply even if you
are running an X client on another machine, using the server on your
home box (so that the display, mouse, and keyboard of your home box
are used).  The learing curve here is also a little steep because of
the details, in turn because of the flexibility, but it's pretty much
in the man pages.

        Me, I'm happy with black on white (ediff uses reasonable
colors automagicly).  Sometimes I get ambitious and bind M-G to
goto-line.  And I don't care for the 2 character indentations size in
C mode: I set it to 4.

        One of the downsides of emacs seems to be that customizations
seem to have to be rewritten when there is a new major version, but
that isn't very often.


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