In a message dated: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 11:11:10 PST
"Karl J. Runge" said:

>> How would you do this with RPM?
>Perhaps something like:
>% rpm -q --filesbypkg -p /usr/RPMS/*.rpm | grep /sbin/iptunnel
>net-tools                 /sbin/iptunnel
>Of course this requires all the rpm's being available (e.g. local
>disk, CD-ROM, or ftp:// URL), and so I can't imagine *any* 
>packaging system that couldn't provide this info. E.g. with the 
>help of a little for-loop and grep. Remember folks, this *is* Unix. ;-) 

So, if you have all the packages available, couldn't you just do something 
        dpkg -c * | grep /sbin/iptunnel
           I'm in shape, my shape just happens to be pear!

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