I am a mead brewer myself, though it has been a while due to not having
gotten around to cleaning my carbouy afer my last move (eew.).  

At the moment it is soaking and will hopefully be full of bubbling honey

On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Carl Helmers wrote:

> Anyone for a homebrew tasting?  Or 
> contributing to an anthology of essays on 
> "The Art of Open  Source Brewing?"

Heh... my recipe has always been open source. <G>  And like most open
sourced things at first, no one thinks they are worth trying no matter
how good the results are... in my mead case it's because it breaks a LOT
of the rules for home brewed mead, yet has been compared to at least one
extremely high quality Irish brand (that I can't spell the name of to
save my life), Ban Rhaddi.  I tried this brand side by side with some of
my own once... and the only difference seemed to be the mellowing that
comes with age... mine was too new.

It takes at least 6 months to brew a mead and as long as you're willing
to wait to age it... (Mine never lasted more than one year...)

But for those interested, here's my recipe:

3 lbs. clover honey per gallon of "wort".
Enough water to make those gallons. (AKA, for a 5 gallon batch, use 15
On pinch of Fleischmann's bread yeast per gallon (or one packet per
5-gallon batch).

Warm honey in a pot of water till it can be easily poured.  Do not boil.
Put honey in carbouy.  Add springwater. (I have successfully brewed in
one of those 6-gallon bubbler bottles... toss it when done.)
Mix well.  (It is almost a saturated solution...)
When well mixed and temp is below that of a baby bottle (test on wrist),
wait about 30 more minutes and pitch yeast. 
Cap with fermentation lock and hid in closet.

When bubbling stops, wait 2 weeks to see if it goes into a secondary
fermentation.  When bubbling has stopped completely for 2 MORE weeks,
bottle and refeigerate.

Wait 6 months more if possible for mellowing.  Or longer if you can.

Drink.  But be careful... the stuff is pretty potent...


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