On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Brian Boerner wrote:

> So I've got a bunch of scripts that rsh to systems
> and run some tests. The only problem is the tests
> exectute and close and a new rsh is issued. The rsh
> is refused because it comes in on the same socket as
> the previous one. I'm assuming this is for security
> purposes. You wouldn't want anyone piggy backing off
> your root rsh. Anyway, I digress. Is it possible to
> change the timeout for these sockets using some sort
> of user space command.

AFAIK no you can't, but you shouldn't need to.  It sounds to me like
either your code does something it shouldn't, or your inetd (or whatever
spawns your rshd) is broken. It sounds like it isn't setting the
SO_REUSEADDR option, but the description you give leaves me uncertain as
to what the problem could be.

Perhaps if you elaborated on exactly what you're doing, I/someone could be
of more help...

> i.e. on solaris:
> ndd /dev/tcp \? yields:
> tcp_time_wait_interval
> Changing this via ndd makes this problem go away. This
> is a closed network so security isn't an issue.

As I've learned from one of our resident brains (when I wanted to do the
same thing), you really shouldn't do this, even if you could.  TIME_WAIT
is an important part of the Nagle algorithm and it exists for a purpose.  
I'm not clear on exactly WHAT it is, but if you want more details I'd
recommend Stevens' TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. I. which should have a
suitable discussion of the Nagle algorithm.  If you can wait until the end
of January when I've had time to read it, I'll tell you more about it
then... :)

Other good books describing the behavior of sockets and network
programming are Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment and Unix
Network Programming. You may (or may not) find these helpful.

Derek D. Martin              |  Unix/Linux Geek

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