I believe that I have occasionally have seen similar
problems doing parallel builds - if you're not doing a
strictly single threaded build you might want to give
it another try and be sure your concurrency factor
(the maximum allowable number of jobs you're willing
to permit make to run i.e.  the "-jN" argument) is no
higher than 1.  You might have to diddle one or more
of your rules files - for example, VALinux systems use
both Makefile and makefile, the latter calculating
the concurrency factor as (2 * number of CPUs) and
propagating that value to all subordinate makes.

In my experience parallel builds normally work very
well and can yield a huge speedup by having other
compiles ready to run when one gets I/O bound, but I've
seen it fail often enough that I'm always willing
to back off and do a single threaded build as a
sanity check when my parallel builds die for otherwise
unexplainable reasons.  When parallel builds get messed
up they seem to stomp each other in essentially random
ways (perhaps by corrupting each other's inputs) with
failure modes that are all over the map, including
"Internal compiler error" and sig 11.

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