On Sat, 23 Dec 2000, Ray Bowles wrote:
> I Backed up the named.conf and the related zone files. I put the files on
> the new machine and now my hosted websites aren't working i.e.
> www.devit.net I fooled around with it but still nothing.
> Does anyone have any idea what files I may have missed?

  /etc/resolv.conf maybe?

> Or what should be in the hosts file?

  Strictly speaking, the only entries that need to be in the /etc/hosts file
are those which cannot be resolved via DNS, or which will need to be resolved
when DNS is not available.  Typically, these are the entry for
localhost/ and the hostname of the machine itself.

  Personally, I like to also put entries for my local name servers, the global
root name server, my default gateway, and the hops between me and my ISP's
network access point.  These can all come in very handy when the network goes
down and/or DNS stops working, and you're trying to figure out just where the
heck things went wrong.  :-)

> My other question is Where the hell is inetd.conf

  Red Hat decided to switch to xinetd instead of traditional inetd for 7.0.  
You want /etc/xinetd.conf now.  Be aware that the syntax is very different.

On Sat, 23 Dec 2000, Karl J. Runge wrote:
> Now isn't that.... Special!

  xinetd has a number of features which make it superior to traditional inetd,
so I cannot really say Red Hat made a bad call on this one.

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