>   What I'm trying to do is split an arbitrarily complex version number, in the
> general form of 1.2.3a-4b.5.c6, into its component parts.  Using that same
> example, I'm after the list (1, 2, 3, a, 4, b, 5, c, 6).

  $_ = qq(1.2.3a-4b.5.c6);

  push @array, $1 while(/([a-zA-Z]+|\d+)/g);

I can think of convoluted ways to do this too, but I'm not sure that
they're worth the effort.

Kevin D. Clark (cetaceannetworks.com!kclark)  |   Will hack Perl for
Cetacean Networks, Inc.                       |  fine food, good beer,
Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)                        |       or fun.
alumni.unh.edu!kclark (PGP Key Available)     |

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